Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Spiritually Adopting the Souls of those Dying Alone

During this time of worldwide suffering and sorrow, there are many souls who are facing death alone in hospitals and nursing homes.  Because of lock downs and regulations, family and friends, as well as priests and clergy are not allowed to enter or to be with people at this most important moment of their death.  What a cross!  We can make a difference by “spiritually adopting” a soul that is nearing the moment of death, and offering prayers of intercession on his/her behalf. 

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary
May Mary the most merciful Virgin Mother of God, kindest comforter of them that mourn, commend to her Son the soul of this His servant/handmaid, that through her maternal intercession he/she may overcome the dread of death, and with her as guide, joyfully reach his longed-for home in the heavenly fatherland. Amen.  Our Lady, Comforter of the Afflicted, pray for us!

Prayer to St. Joseph
To thee, I have recourse, St. Joseph, patron of the dying; and to thee, at whose blessed death watchfully assisted Jesus and Mary, by both these dearest pledges, I earnestly recommend the soul of this servant/handmaid in the sufferings of his/her last agony, that he/she may by your protection be delivered from the snares of the devil and from eternal death, and may merit to attain everlasting joy. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.  St. Joseph, patron of the dying, pray for us!

Prayer to the Guardian Angel
O holy Guardian Angel, do not abandon this soul, but fight for him and preserve him from the assaults of the evil one.  Comfort him in the face of his suffering and calm his fears; guide him along the path between from time into eternity. Amen.  Holy Guardian Angels, pray for us!

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, assist these souls in their last agony.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, may they breathe forth their souls in peace with Thee, Amen.

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