Saturday, May 7, 2022

Last Meeting for Most Holy Rosary Sodality

 Dear Fellow Sodalists,

Praised be Jesus and Mary! Since the Sisters will be leaving before First Saturday in June, Most Holy Rosary Sodality had their last meeting today by having a little Marian Tea Party. Enjoying cinnamon rolls and hot cocoa, Sr. Mary Teresita, Tammy Bird, and her daughters went over the highlights of this year, and things to keep in mind for the Summer. We greet all of you other sodalists throughout the country as you finish off the school year and get ready for vacation as well. God bless you! 

Most Holy Rosary Sodality


Monday, May 2, 2022

Good Friday and Easter Sunday

 The greatest mysteries of our Faith occurred on the first Good Friday and Easter Sunday. At St. Michael's, these two feasts are opportunities for our Sodalists to work for the parish ... especially for the moms and children.  We once again hosted the annual Good Friday Children's Program, and the Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Sunday.  These two events have a tradition of nearly 50 years in our parish, and despite being a lot of work for the Sodalists, are a joy for the children and much appreciated by our pastor and the children's parents...a real labor of love for our members!

Afternoon Retreat

 During Lent, we were able to gather for an afternoon/evening of retreat.  Starting after school we had shared spiritual reading, Stations of the Cross and the Chaplet of Our Sorrowful Mother, quiet time in chapel and outside, and finished up with a pizza dinner.  Everyone agreed it was a great opportunity to reflect and prepare for the last weeks of Lent in union with Our Lady~