Saturday, March 13, 2021

Meeting another member!

Our next member ... Christiana... is an 11th grader.  She celebrates Corpus Christi as her patronal feastday, and also St. Gemma, her Confirmation saint.  Christiana serves on our Catholic Action Committee, and has been a member of the parish sodalities since she was in 2nd grade!  Her favorite part of being in Sodality is being able to do charitable works to benefit the parish. Planning them and seeing their success means a lot to her.  Her favorite memory is the trip we took to Portland/Tacoma/Seattle in 2019, and she will cherish forever the things we did together that weekend.  As for living the Sodality motto, Christiana often asks herself, "What would Mary do in this situation?" and then tries to think, speak and act as She would.  She tries to remember to always be a good example to the younger girls of the school and parish.

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